Does anyone out there have any brilliant suggestions for homeschooling two kids (one in kindergarden and one in first grade) when you are home alone and breast feeding a five month old? My original thought was that I would school while he napped, but the kid is against napping. I find that my goal of prioritizing the girls' school and taking care of a needy infant seem to be at odds! I do know that part of my struggle has to do with my own expectations. Somewhere in my brain, I'm still planning my school day as though I don't have an infant who doesn't nap consistently. Harry had to remind me today that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result each time. Hmmm..... Got me there! Well, at least I got that off my chest!
Readings for today:
Genesis 18:1-15
Aesop's Fables--The Fox and the Grapes.
Spanish--review of greetings, introductions, color words and vowels. The girls actually did some reading in spanish today! It was very exciting.
Art- studied The Four Continents by Jan van Kessel
Activity- feeding the ducks at Tower Grove Park
Movie- Fly Me to the Moon. This movie actually sparked some interest in the Apollo 11 mission, gravity, etc. Did Russia put a man on the moon? I actually don't know. Tomorrow....